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Running out of activities to do at home, and want a way to stay active and engaged with your preschooler while many of us are social distancing?
Our virtual learning programs bring the fun and resources of our preschool right into your home. With interactive and self-paced versions available, we provide customized curriculum and weekly play packs — everything you need to help your child explore the world around them.
Interactive Virtual Classroom
Classroom Options:
+ Interactive Mommy & Me circle time with friends on Tuesdays and Thursdays (1-2yr olds).
+ Traditional preschool (3-5yr olds) circle time with interactive lessons on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
+ Families with children of both age ranges are invited to join both the Mommy & Me and Preschool class!
Package Includes:
+Includes four (4) customized play packs; one for each week of the month!
+ Each play pack contains exactly what your child needs to learn through play.
+ Recorded story time, art & craft instruction, letter of the week, and Spanish videos each week to watch at your leisure.
+ Traditional circle time on Zoom based on theme of the week integrating crafts and activities that were done during the week.
+ (Two) Zoom calls per week — that’s 20 minutes each of real-time interaction with the teacher, other students, and active learning for your little one.
+ Play Packs are delivered or curbside pick-up.
+ Monthly and 3-Monthly Subscriptions Available!
Play Pack
+ Designed to provide flexibility for families to participate at Heights Preschool week-by-week minus interactive classes.
+ Curriculum based learning box designed by our teaching team to keep your child engaged through hands-on learning.
+ Six-Seven recorded instructional learning videos to match each week’s themed play pack, allowing self-paced learning and creativity.
+ Each week there are 3 story times, 1 arts & crafts, 1 letter of the week, 1 Spanish language and most weeks a bonus sensory & loose part play video.
+ All learning materials provided based on the topic of the week. At least 30 min - 60 min of hands-on daily activities.
+ Step-by-step guide to empower parents and caregivers to lead their child to learn through play.
+ Available to ship all across the U.S.
The Benefits of Virtual Learning
Whether on their own or with a friend or family member, your preschooler will love exploring the world through our virtual learning program. Each week, we provide a theme that ties through our play packs instructional learning videos. Themes include camping, superheroes, and the circus. Watch out for what’s to come! All our crafts, stories, and conversations bring these topics to life. Spark your child’s imagination and make each week a new adventure.
Socialization is essential for everyone, but particularly for preschool-aged children. Our virtual learning program provides two ways to bring interaction back into their lives. Virtually enrolled students get all the benefits of a traditional classroom — interacting with a teacher and classmates, the structure of circle time, and the self-esteem of sharing their learning with a classroom of other students. Those who choose the self-paced play packs can provide an activity for friends or cousins across the state or country to do at the same time over video chat, or for siblings to have some structured playtime together at home.
Meet the Teachers
Interested in Learning More?
If you have any questions about our virtual learning programs, contact Kelly or Carla today. We’ll get back to you as quickly as possible. We’re passionate about learning through play, and we’re excited to share how we can help your preschooler continue to grow as they explore the world with us.